HANS LANGSETH This site is dedicated to the memory of Hans Langseth, King Whiskers as he was called, who holds the record for the world's longest beard, 18 feet 6 inches long. Hans early in life - his beard doesn't even touch the ground! News photo of Hans Probably the most well- known photo of him seated, at age 66 A misconception is that his beard was only 17.5 feet long. When he passed away, his family (probably son Bill, to the displeasure of the other children) cut it, leaving about 12 inches of it on him when he was buried. The part that was removed was eventually given to the Smithsonian Institute where it was displayed to the public. In the late years of his life, Hans made the decision to cut his beard off, got part way through and couldn't finish. That explains in part, why most of it is narrower. Hans (pronounced to rhyme with dance) used to roll it up and tuck it into his coat or vest, which hid much of it, as in the top picture above.
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